A Biblical theology of persecution

By Prof GPV Somaratna While the Bible graphically describes the introduction and spread of sin in the world, it also depicts the presence and reality of oppression and persecution in the world. There are many examples of people persecuting the people of God, people persecuting each other, and so on. Christians can define Persecution as […]

God’s Sovereignty and the Suffering Church

God’s Sovereignty Over the Mission of the Suffering Church I. Strength from God’s Sovereignty over Past HistoryA key to the biblical response to persecution is the belief that God is sovereign over history. 1. The account of the first time the Apostles encountered persecution from the Jewish authorities shows this. The first thing they did […]

The Story of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted

By Brian F. O’Connell The background and history of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted (IDOP) is an important one in the life of the global evangelical church.  Arguably, one can make the case that it was, at least partially, responsible for the highly increased engagement of the worldwide church today, not only […]

Heaven’s singing Joy

  A song written and composed by Jessie Dipper for IDOP 2016 Put down, and hurt, by voices thrown.With fingers burnt, my faith has grown.Told I’m nothing, within this world. But I know there’s something,From the words they’ve hurled.For, Heaven’s singing Joy,Heaven’s singing Joy,Though the storms may rage, your love’s the same,And Heaven’s singing Joy. Blessed, in […]

IDOP Twenty Years on

John Langlois This year we look back on twenty years since we set up the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We set up IDOP because there was a great need of prayer for the increasing persecution being suffered at the time by our brothers and sisters in Christ. Now is a good […]

20 Years of Asking for and Watching God’s Initiative

Thomas Schirrmacher A Chinese government official once told me, a German, that China fears being prayed out of office, just as it happened in East Germany at the end of the Soviet empire! Yes, prayer and peaceful actions in many churches played a major role in the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron […]